Friday, December 14, 2007

New "Steamed Holly" Caravan, and news....

I would show you the wagon, but I havent gotten around to doing any decent promo shots of it yet because I have been s-w-a-m-p-e-d, in work. So! If you want to see the new wagon, go on over to the main shop, she's sitting right near the entry point. She's very detailed, and very unique.

She includes 9 pose pillows that are UNLINKED to the build, so you can use them, not use them, or put them where-ever you want them :) The bed and the big pillow thereon, change texture on touch, four different options... The couches do too, with three options. I think this baby ranges in under 130 prims not including the poses. The picture I Released to the group doesnt do her justice, you really need to see her in person.

Okay, that said... I'd like to share this with you......

Yep, thats yours truly, doing a neato ad for Random Calliope in celebration of his generous donation to charity. This is the final Rendezvous set being put up on auction for a worthy cause.
Go take a look here.....

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