Friday, April 16, 2010

The Wild.released Event ends this weekend! Get a move on!


My prize for the event is a Skygoddess Skybox.  A little bit of Oubliette for you to take on home :)  I have to tell you, the shot I have in here for it is no good, SL clients -hate- me lately and Im having nightmares trying to do any sort of photography.

   Because my photography skills are utterly destroyed at the moment, I've rezzed a preview copy of the skybox. The direct slurl is:

  You can also get there via any teleporter we have out on Oubliette! :)

  Other great people involved are:  Frippery, Evie's Closet, No Strings Attached, Discord Designs, Flipside, Schadenfreude, Trap, Silentsparrow, Illusions, Fallen Gods Inc., and Studio Sidhe who organized the event!

Faery Sola of Studio Sidhe will be throwing a party to close the event Sunday - from 6pm SLT to Midnight SLT at Moonsong, just North of Oubliette :)


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