Friday, April 16, 2010

The Wild.released Event ends this weekend! Get a move on!


My prize for the event is a Skygoddess Skybox.  A little bit of Oubliette for you to take on home :)  I have to tell you, the shot I have in here for it is no good, SL clients -hate- me lately and Im having nightmares trying to do any sort of photography.

   Because my photography skills are utterly destroyed at the moment, I've rezzed a preview copy of the skybox. The direct slurl is:

  You can also get there via any teleporter we have out on Oubliette! :)

  Other great people involved are:  Frippery, Evie's Closet, No Strings Attached, Discord Designs, Flipside, Schadenfreude, Trap, Silentsparrow, Illusions, Fallen Gods Inc., and Studio Sidhe who organized the event!

Faery Sola of Studio Sidhe will be throwing a party to close the event Sunday - from 6pm SLT to Midnight SLT at Moonsong, just North of Oubliette :)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Twig in Spring@ Balderdash! -*- Last week of the WILD released Event!

New! Twig in Spring!

   When I made the first version of Twig, I knew I was going to have to do it as a seasonal peice, which is fine with me, and yes there will be summer when I can get to it :) (Evie will keeeeel me if I dont <.<)
  I am also planning a variation or ... maybe even a few.... on certain seasons, We shall seeeeee. <3 
  Available in Copy/Mod and Mod/Trans, its in the first room at the shop and why yes! It DOES include a stamp hud for the Wild released Event!

   Wild event? Whats this Wild event you say? Read on! (And hurry! It ends this week!)

    Great designers and maybe some places you havent been to just yet!  Lots of great prizes limited to just this event, so I'd reccomend a little gander at what we all have to offer! You can read more about the event and find out who, what, and where via the website, which does a much better job of explaining all this than I possibly could :)

My prize for the event is a Skygoddess Skybox.  A little bit of Oubliette for you to take on home :)  I have to tell you, the shot I have in here for it is no good, SL clients -hate- me lately and Im having nightmares trying to do any sort of photography. (If you have any hints, please oh please drop me a notecard, Im tired of tearing my hear out :( )

   Because my photography skills are utterly destroyed at the moment, I've rezzed a preview copy of the skybox. The direct slurl is:

  You can also get there via any teleporter we have out on Oubliette! :)

  The WILD released blog is at:
  Other great people involved are:  Frippery, Evie's Closet, No Strings Attached, Discord Designs, Flipside, Schadenfreude, Trap, Silentsparrow, Illusions, Fallen Gods Inc., and Studio Sidhe who organized the event!
